We’re back! Again! Our reach is more global than we thought. Lyga’s Law of Publishing rears its ugly head again. Editors who are also writers: Threat or menace? The benefits and drawbacks of working a day job while writing. Cool new imprints! The books Morgan’s body shuts down. Plus: Luke turns one!
- A listener wishes Barry good health
- The birth of Lyga’s Law of Publishing: Writing in Real Life — Episode 29: The One where Morgan Makes a Comic Book Reference
- Your Book Editor Just Snagged Your Spot on the Best-Seller List - The New York Times
- Our discussion of men writing under female pseudonyms: Writing in Real Life — Episode 87: The One with Poopy in the Potty
- If It Wasn't For My Corporate Office Job, I Couldn't Be a Novelist | Literary Hub
- Our discussion of writers being on salary at publishing houses: Writing in Real Life — Episode 73: The One where They Saw Hamilton
- Kwame Alexander Will Start His Own Imprint. The Name? Versify. Get It? - The New York Times
- Rick Riordan Presents | Rick Riordan
- Mack Bolan - Wikipedia
- Louis L'Amour - Wikipedia
- Urban Dictionary: sick
- One Year Later (Again) — Barry Lyga Dot Com
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